Welcome to our booking portal :)

Save your login information!! This is where you can book your first appointment, manage appointments, see pricing and availability. We are by appointment only!!

If you have forgotten your login, just create a new one to schedule an appointment, and I will merge the profiles later.

If you’re looking for our actual website to get to know us better click here!

Please read the following options:

New Patients:

Arrival more than 10 minutes late to allotted time or failure to complete intake forms prior to appointment will require reschedule and no show fee

If you’re pregnant choose “Prenatal Exam”

Ages 4-64 choose “New Patient Exam”

Ages 4 and under choose “Pediatric Exam” using their name when you create a profile.

Ages 65 or older-We are not enrolled with Medicare/Medicaid. If you have Medicare/Medicaid text 940-208-0640 with your name and stating you have Medicare/Medicaid BEFORE booking.

No Show’s will be charged full fee! We are out of network.

Existing Patients:

Arrival more than 5 minutes late to allotted time may result in reschedule.

Choose “Follow-Up Adjustment” or

Choose “Re-EXAM” if there is a new accident, injury, or trauma affecting daily activities or you haven’t been in for over a year


Holistic approach to healthcare that specializes in Neuromusculoskeletal disorders and focuses on restoring mobility, decreasing pain, and improving overall health using specific joint manipulations and at home strengthening when necessary.

Hello! My name is Dr. Connor. I decided to become a Chiropractor after it changed my life in my late teens. After injuring my discs playing high school golf, I went to many different healthcare professionals without success. My journey led me to Chiropractic, which was the only thing that helped me find relief and continue to do the things I enjoy in life. I now continue to get adjusted on a wellness basis because of the benefits it provides for my health.

I will treat any population. I have most experience working with older children, young athletes, scoliosis patients, adults, and people who have struggled to find results with other healthcare providers. I also have additional experience and training with TMJD and Frozen Shoulder.

Dr. Connor Edwards D.C.

Hello! My name is Dr. Connor. I decided to become a Chiropractor after it changed my life in my l... Read More

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Located at: 1113 Teasley Ln, Denton
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